
House Of The Bandicot (Jakarta (Indonesia) )

Sewer Speedway (Total Entri : 20)
No Kode Nama Nomor Masuk Rank Poin
1 A.5. CT Black Orchid A.5. 0062 1st 15
2 C.7. PK Koi Tancho/Pattern C.7. 0050 1st 15
3 F.10. PK Balance Multicolor F.10. 0060 1st 15
4 F.11. PK Dark Multicolor F.11. 0047 1st 15
5 F.15. Giant Solid/Pattern F.15. 0051 1st 15
6 G.2. PK Fancy Tricolor G.2. 0048 1st 15
7 G.7. PK Koi Tancho/Pattern G.7. 0052 1st 15
8 I.1. Female Solid Variant I.1. 0058 1st 15
9 B.10. PK Balance Multicolor B.10. 0056 2nd 10
10 G.15. DTPK MCV Open G.15. 0057 2nd 10
11 H.4. Plakat H.4. 0055 2nd 10
12 I.3. Female Multicolor Variant I.3. 0044 2nd 10
13 E.8. Jr CT Pattern E.8. 0064 3rd 5
14 J.7. Baby HM Solid Open J.7. 0063 3rd 5
15 Total Point: 170
