Betta Passion Cup (Singapore (Singapore) )

Champion List | Point Kejuaraan


Total Entri : 0
Nama 1st 2nd 3rd
A. Division A: Longfin Singletail HM
A.1. Red STM (Dark and Light Body)
A.2. Black STM
A.3. Dark Iridescent STM
A.4. Light Solid Color STM
A.5. Bicolor/ Butterfly STM
A.6. Marble/ Grizzled STM
A.7. Metallic Dark STM
A.8. Metallic Light STM
A.9. Multicolor STM
B. Division B: Doubletail
B.1. Dark Solid Color DTM
B.2. Light Solid Color DTM
B.3. Patterned DTM
B.4. Metallic Dark/Light DTM
B.5. Multicolor DTM
C. Division C: Crowntail
C.1. Red/Black CTM
C.2. Dark Iridescent CTM
C.3. Light Solid CTM
C.4. Patterned CTM
C.5. Black Lace CTM
C.6. Metallic Dark CTM
C.7. Metallic Light CTM
C.8. Multicolor CTM
D. Division D: Shortfin Singletail
D.1. Red STM Show Plakat
D.2. Black STM Show Plakat
D.3. Dark Iridescent STM Show Plakat
D.4. Light Solid Color STM Show Plakat
D.5. Butterfly STM Show Plakat
D.6. Bicolor STM Show Plakat
D.7. Marble
D.8. Grizzled STM Show
D.9. Metallic Dark STM Show Plakat
D.10. Metallic Light STM Show Plakat
D.11. Multicolor STM Show Plakat
E. Divison E: Giant Shortfin Singletail (Min 6.25 cm Body)
E.1. Giant Solid Dark/Light Show Plakat
E.2. Giant Patterned (bf, marble, grizzled, bicolor) Show Plakat
E.3. Giant Metallic Dark/Light Show Plakat
E.4. Giant Multicolor Show Plakat
F. Division F: Female
F.1. Solid Color HM/DT Female
F.2. Patterned (bf, marble, grizzled, bicolor) HM/DT Female
F.3. Solid Color CT Female
F.4. Multicolor CT Female
F.5. Solid Color Show Plakat Female
F.6. Multicolor Plakat Female
G. Division G: Junior Classes (Size Max 1.25 inch)
G.1. Solid Color HM Junior
G.2. Patterned (bf, marble, grizzled, bicolor) HM Junior
G.3. Multicolor HM Junior
G.4. Solid Color DTHM Junior
G.5. Patterned (bf, marble, grizzled, bicolor) DTHM Junior
G.6. Multicolor DTHM Junior
G.7. Solid Color CT Junior
G.8. Patterned (bf, marble, grizzled, bicolor) CT Junior
G.9. Multicolor/ Black Lace CT Junior
G.10. Solid Color Show Plakat Junior
G.11. Patterned (bf, marble, grizzled, bicolor) Show Plakat Junior
G.12. Multicolor Show Plakat Junior
G.13. Giant Solid Color Show Plakat Junior (Min 2 inch )
G.14. Giant Patterned (bf, marble, grizzled, bicolor) Show Plakat Junior (Min 2 inch )
G.15. Giant Multicolor Show Plakat Junior (Min 2 inch )
H. Division H: Form and Finnage Classes
H.1. Longfin Singletail
H.2. Doubletail
H.3. Crowntail
H.4. Shortfin Singletail
I. Division I: Traditional Classes
I.1. Veiltail Solid Color
I.2. Veiltail Any Other Class
I.3. Traditional Plakat Solid Color
I.4. Traditional Any Other Class
J. Division J: Wild Type Betta Pairs
J.1. Bubble-nesters (small size)
J.2. Bubble-nesters (medium/large size)
J.3. Mouth-brooders (small size)
J.4. Mouth-brooders (medium/large size)
K. Division K: (Trial Classes)